The flight went well and the kids slept most of the long 12 hour flight. The boys were so excited to ride on an airplane, but I think they were glad when it was finally over. They are a little confused as to what is going on. We’ve told them that Dad got a new job so we are going to live here now. But we are currently in temporary housing. Brian’s work set us up with an apartment which I’ve posted some pictures of. It’s… quirky. But livable. However, Brian’s sister’s husband’s parents live here (which Brian knew in boarding school- Brian went to boarding school here), and they are in Hawaii until the first of the year, so they are letting us stay in their place which is quite nice and more fully furnished. So we are having Christmas here.
We went to church on Friday (Friday is the Sabbath here) and there we quite a few people, and some families with kids too. I’ve already made friends and several people gave me their contact info and said to call if I need anything.
The place we are staying at right now is right on a bay where people fish and boat. The buildings are built on “reclaimed land”- reclaimed from the sea. George, the owner of this apartment, showed me a spot across the parking lot where you can collect sea shells, and not like at the Oregon coast. You don’t even have to search, they are just there on the ground- nice, beautiful ones. Amazing.
So, I’ve been having a great time and loving the adventure. My first day here I met Brian’s coworker’s wife, who is from India. They brought out some food to try, and boy was it spicy! But Yummy! I’m having fun trying the new food. There is a huge grocery store where I’m doing my shopping, and it takes me forever. First I have to find the item I’m looking for, then there are like 10 different types to choose from- foods from all over- have you ever heard of “lebna”? Anyways, not many brands I’m familiar with to chose from, and it’s hard to know which one to chose. There is English and Arabic on the containers but they don’t always list the ingredients and the only nutrition facts are the calories, fat, carbs, and protein. Some things are supper cheap, like bread is only 50 cents, but milk is over two and a half dollars for 2 liters. Oh, and everything is the metric system. The fruits and vegetables all say where they are from- Saudi Arabia, Africa, Egypt, Holland, and all over.
So, I’m loving this new stuff, and trying to not get overwhelmed. Brian’s been on holiday every day since we got here, which has been awesome. So today is his first day at work.
So here are the pics:
This is the kitchen in the apartment that Brian's work provided for us.
I had to learn how to put a round plug into a square socket!
I was so tired that I feel asleep holding Syler.
Had to try it!